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My Birth Story: False Alarm

Early First Stage Labor
10/18/15           20:58
I woke up this morning feeling great. Me and Arlinton had a good morning before church in which I was able to make him pancakes, our favorite spicy sausages, and cheesy eggs for breakfast. Everything was delicious, but I started to feel this weird first trimester nausea after eating. The nausea persisted and lingered on throughout the day. On our way to church, I started to feel a fatigued. I looked awful at church or at least not myself because people kept coming to me wondering if I was ok. I honestly wasn't sure if I was ok. I was nauseous, tired, and was having tightening in my stomach that was accompanied by some pelvic discomfort. I really didn't know what to make of it because I've had these symptoms before. Something didn't feel quite right.

10/18/15         23:12
There hasn't been any real advancement in the pain. I continue to feel uncomfortable with intermittent tightening. I've been able to eat and drink. I think I'm just gonna rest tonight and see what my body does. I did a little ball work, so that should help open things up a little. Despite not feeling much, I still think this may be the start of the real thing.

10/19/15           03:26
I've told people my entire pregnancy that period cramps were a bad pain reference because I don't remember them. It's been months since I've had them. I think I remember now. The pain is still manageable and not really intense enough to call pain. The sensations are now more discreet and I start to question whether I really have contractions or am I just having bad dreams where I imagine them.

10/19/15     17:20
Not sure what was going on yesterday and last night, but it was not labor. I felt fine since about 6 am this morning without any additional symptoms. I feel the tightening occasionally, but I have decided to ignore the small signs and go for the gusto: water breaking or life-changing pain. I have mixed feelings about the whole experience. I slightly feel embarrassed that I didn't "know" like I thought I would. I'm also a little restless that she isn't here. I ended up doing even more housework and sprucing up in anticipation of our little gift. Since I still have more time, I will do some more enjoyable stuff that will be difficult when she arrives. Me and my darling are going to see a movie tonight. It's honestly difficult for me to chill and let this just happen. It's another one of those experiences when God shoves in my face I'm not in control. He's right, I need to let this go and trust that she will come at the best time.


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