Early First Stage Labor
11/2/15 02:47
I'm either tripping or these are real contractions. I don't actually like the word contractions because throughout the last trimester I started to get tightening of the uterus. They were real, but they were not like these: painful. I decided not to time anything because of the last few false alarms I had over the last few weeks. They actually weren't false alarms if I knew that real contractions start off as painful period cramps. I was under the impression that labor starts off as tightening then builds up to pain in later stages.
For pain relief I'm doing fine with breathing, using Arlinton as a heating pad, and trying not to freak out. I'm distracting myself by trying to sleep. I know it's very early labor because it's very tolerable and I have a good feeling at the end of each contraction; almost like refreshing goosebumps.
11/2/15 16:01
It's been about 14 hours later and things are picking up slowly. My contractions are more distinct and I have started to time them. The timing is erratic: ranging from 8-30 minutes apart over the last 3 hours. I still feel good and confident as is to be expected this early in the game. I've been passing my time with cleaning, texting, and talking on the phone. My mom wants our little one to wait another day or two, but I really would prefer not to have these contractions that long. My contractions are all mostly in the front pelvis. There is tightening, pain, and it feels like it's directed forward and out. It's completely tolerable now, but I can hardly imagine when the intervals shorten, the pain intensifies, and the contractions lengthen. Me and my darling are about to go for a walk now and get some ice cream to speed things up a bit.
11/2/15 20:39
The contractions are definitely getting stronger. I had to remind myself not to freak out when I had the first intense contraction. People have responded quite differently to the labor thus far. The most common response was OMG. Other reactions were that I should go to the hospital ASAP. Others were skeptical and figured I was just have Braxton Hicks. Regardless of what this is, I'm busting sweats and I'm in quite a bit of pain. I'm waiting for my contractions to be 3 min apart, lasting a minute for one hour before I go to the hospital. I'm dreading the car ride there already.
11/2/15 16:01
It's been about 14 hours later and things are picking up slowly. My contractions are more distinct and I have started to time them. The timing is erratic: ranging from 8-30 minutes apart over the last 3 hours. I still feel good and confident as is to be expected this early in the game. I've been passing my time with cleaning, texting, and talking on the phone. My mom wants our little one to wait another day or two, but I really would prefer not to have these contractions that long. My contractions are all mostly in the front pelvis. There is tightening, pain, and it feels like it's directed forward and out. It's completely tolerable now, but I can hardly imagine when the intervals shorten, the pain intensifies, and the contractions lengthen. Me and my darling are about to go for a walk now and get some ice cream to speed things up a bit.
11/2/15 20:39
The contractions are definitely getting stronger. I had to remind myself not to freak out when I had the first intense contraction. People have responded quite differently to the labor thus far. The most common response was OMG. Other reactions were that I should go to the hospital ASAP. Others were skeptical and figured I was just have Braxton Hicks. Regardless of what this is, I'm busting sweats and I'm in quite a bit of pain. I'm waiting for my contractions to be 3 min apart, lasting a minute for one hour before I go to the hospital. I'm dreading the car ride there already.
11/3/15 00:20
I'll never make the suggestion to try to sleep again. I couldn't sleep and my support went into slumber. I was ok until about 10 minutes ago when things picked up and I loss my mucus plug. It's getting real and I sadly had to wake Arlinton up. The pain is starting to get intense.
11/3/15 1:55
My water broke about 15 minutes ago. I felt a pop, shouted something to Arlinton, and the flood waters came rushing out. I'm so fortunate to have bought a mattress pad. My bed is dry and the cleanup will be minimal. There is some relief after the water breaks. I guess the quiet before the storm. We even laughed a little.
Active First Stage Labor
When I got to the hospital, my blood pressures were elevated. The prospect of delivering in the birthing center was thrown out of the window. I was frustrated because I did not have any elevated pressures any time in the pregnancy and some of the repeats were perfect. The physicians decided to have me admitted to monitor my pressures; I would have otherwise been sent home. I was told at 6:30 that I was in active labor and was 3 cm dilated. I could have told them myself I was in active labor because it was going down. There were a few things I learned the hard way about labor. First, people do not tell you everything. I had gushes of fluid throughout the labor even after my water broke. They were quite disturbing and striking. I was surprised that this was "normal" and I never was told about it. Second, labor contractions are the most painful and tortuous things ever. You become a monster during them because you lose touch with reality. You just want help and to escape. Third, birth plans are garbage. I have always been amazed at how other's plan have gone to pieces and mine did the same. Despite it all the active phase went according to plan: I went from 3-5 cm in 2 hours, 5-7 the next two hours, and then 8cm less than 2 hours later.
When I got to the hospital, my blood pressures were elevated. The prospect of delivering in the birthing center was thrown out of the window. I was frustrated because I did not have any elevated pressures any time in the pregnancy and some of the repeats were perfect. The physicians decided to have me admitted to monitor my pressures; I would have otherwise been sent home. I was told at 6:30 that I was in active labor and was 3 cm dilated. I could have told them myself I was in active labor because it was going down. There were a few things I learned the hard way about labor. First, people do not tell you everything. I had gushes of fluid throughout the labor even after my water broke. They were quite disturbing and striking. I was surprised that this was "normal" and I never was told about it. Second, labor contractions are the most painful and tortuous things ever. You become a monster during them because you lose touch with reality. You just want help and to escape. Third, birth plans are garbage. I have always been amazed at how other's plan have gone to pieces and mine did the same. Despite it all the active phase went according to plan: I went from 3-5 cm in 2 hours, 5-7 the next two hours, and then 8cm less than 2 hours later.
Transition/ Second Stage/ Third Stage
My body refused to complete the transition phase. I stayed at 8 cm with an unchanged exam for about 4 tortuous hours. To put this into perspective, the time between 8-10cm, transition phase, is usually 10 minutes - 1 hour. We couldn't quite figure out why the baby wasn't coming down. I was overcome with emotion during those hours. I wasn't sure if I made the right decision of going natural in a hospital. In the hospital, I would only see the doctor during checks and wouldn't have a professional there the entire time like with a midwife in a birthing center or in a homebirth. I also felt like there was no end to my pain. It started to feel like torture instead of progress. I wanted so much from my mom, grandmother, and husband during the process and at the same time didn't know what I wanted because the pain was so intense. I was a mess. I was also very nauseous and vomited despite meds to calm my stomach.
My body refused to complete the transition phase. I stayed at 8 cm with an unchanged exam for about 4 tortuous hours. To put this into perspective, the time between 8-10cm, transition phase, is usually 10 minutes - 1 hour. We couldn't quite figure out why the baby wasn't coming down. I was overcome with emotion during those hours. I wasn't sure if I made the right decision of going natural in a hospital. In the hospital, I would only see the doctor during checks and wouldn't have a professional there the entire time like with a midwife in a birthing center or in a homebirth. I also felt like there was no end to my pain. It started to feel like torture instead of progress. I wanted so much from my mom, grandmother, and husband during the process and at the same time didn't know what I wanted because the pain was so intense. I was a mess. I was also very nauseous and vomited despite meds to calm my stomach.
11/3/15 17:50
Instead of having a c-section we decided to try Pitocin with an epidural first. It was possible that me and the baby were tired of laboring for almost 24 hours.I received the epidural and within minutes I was pain free. It was amazing... Until about 30 minutes later when my blood pressure dropped and the baby's heart rate plummeted. Every health professional on the floor were in my room trying to elevate my low blood pressure and get Felicity's heart rate to come up. I was devastated and so scared that I would lose my daughter or have to get a crash c-section. I was even more distressed becasue my husband was unreachable for some reason. At that time I started to have intense chills that remained until about an hour after birth. Eventually, they got everything normalized and started the Pitocin. An hour later there was still no change in the cervix exam despite adequate doses; I was still 8 cm. Moreover, Felicity's heart rate was dropping every time I had a contraction.
The OB/Gyn came in an I knew C-section was the next option. I saw what was happening and I myself knew it was the most reasonable choice at the time. Arlinton, my mom, my grandmother, the obstetrician, the nurse and myself worked hard that entire day . We fought for this labor and we fought for my birth plan, but in the end we did what was best for the health of Felicity and myself.
Instead of having a c-section we decided to try Pitocin with an epidural first. It was possible that me and the baby were tired of laboring for almost 24 hours.I received the epidural and within minutes I was pain free. It was amazing... Until about 30 minutes later when my blood pressure dropped and the baby's heart rate plummeted. Every health professional on the floor were in my room trying to elevate my low blood pressure and get Felicity's heart rate to come up. I was devastated and so scared that I would lose my daughter or have to get a crash c-section. I was even more distressed becasue my husband was unreachable for some reason. At that time I started to have intense chills that remained until about an hour after birth. Eventually, they got everything normalized and started the Pitocin. An hour later there was still no change in the cervix exam despite adequate doses; I was still 8 cm. Moreover, Felicity's heart rate was dropping every time I had a contraction.
The OB/Gyn came in an I knew C-section was the next option. I saw what was happening and I myself knew it was the most reasonable choice at the time. Arlinton, my mom, my grandmother, the obstetrician, the nurse and myself worked hard that entire day . We fought for this labor and we fought for my birth plan, but in the end we did what was best for the health of Felicity and myself.
All in all I am thankful to have a healthy, beautiful blessing from God named Felicity. I would like to simply say all that matters in the end is a healthy baby. That's true, but if I'm completely honest, you become frustrated and disappointed when your birth plan doesn't work out. On paper it sounds ridiculous, but in real life it hurts and is the source of self doubt and sadness. A wise man called it spiritual warfare: your time of happiness and joy is robbed by thoughts of inadequacy and disappointment. It's not fair! I don't know what I'd do if I did it all over or what I'll do for my future children. I know, however, that no matter my choice or stance I need to hold on to the fact that the ability to get pregnant and have a child is a privilege. I need to hold on to gratitude. So, I end my birthing story by saying, " Thank you Lord... For everything. "
The Lord is miraculous to us through birth. We do not realize at the time of great pain that it is really not a very long time of suffering for you have just given life to your child. A human being that has endless possibilities. I personally suffered my entire pregnancy with placenta previa and all day every day nausea and vomiting until delivery! I was given the most precious of gifts, the birth of my healthy son. Unable to ever conceive again,I knew the pain and trials of my pregnancy were from God himself. For what an amazing gift he gave to me. We as woman experience the gifts of God as no other can. Embrace this time of your life as a woman, as a wife, as a mother. God Bless your new family and may every experience bring you pure joy. Our love for you all.