I'm happy to announce that I don't have gestational diabetes. I am beyond thrilled. I am able to eat freely, enjoy my pregnancy, and have a piece of mind that my baby is healthy. This news has come just in time for my birthday and vacation. Although, I can't wait to eat, I'm more aware of the effect my diet has on my baby. After vacation will be the perfect time to redirect my efforts to healthy eating and an healthy lifestyle. I'm looking forward to swimming; the pool has been closed all summer. I'm also looking forward to enjoying the remainder of my pregnancy. I'm interested in hyponobirthing. The focus with hyponobirthing is to remain relaxed and enjoy the moment. Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum are to all be enjoyable times.
9/7/15 00:03 Labor day weekend is usually a family centered weekend. The Caribbean culture parade ,on the first Monday of September, has served as an unofficial family reunion day since I could remember. It is also a time that I see other friends not affiliated with Caribbean culture because of the day off. Needless to say, Labor Day has it's place in my top 4 holidays with Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter in the lead. This labor day weekend has been especially amazing this year because I have been able to celebrate the births of two special young ladies, Logan and Brave. Brave made her way on the scene on 9/5. I was elated. I am still in shock that my best friend has a baby of her own. I was so excited, that I haven't been sleeping. Instead I've been in full baby mode: reading books, looking for sales, reading reviews, registering at my hospital, and creating my birth plan. Me and Ashley, Brave's mother, have spent hours talking about what we wanted for our bi...
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