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Showing posts from October, 2015

My Birth Story: False Alarm

Early First Stage Labor 10/18/15           20:58 I woke up this morning feeling great. Me and Arlinton had a good morning before church in which I was able to make him pancakes, our favorite spicy sausages, and cheesy eggs for breakfast. Everything was delicious, but I started to feel this weird first trimester nausea after eating. The nausea persisted and lingered on throughout the day. On our way to church, I started to feel a fatigued. I looked awful at church or at least not myself because people kept coming to me wondering if I was ok. I honestly wasn't sure if I was ok. I was nauseous, tired, and was having tightening in my stomach that was accompanied by some pelvic discomfort. I really didn't know what to make of it because I've had these symptoms before. Something didn't feel quite right. 10/18/15         23:12 There hasn't been any real advancement in the pain. I continue to fee...


10/16/15       18:07 The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. I finished birthing class, I left work, and I'm ready for our baby girl to make her grand entrance. Since being " term" I've been excited by the prospect of having Felicity any day now. On the other hand, reading Baby Bump group posts and browsing the web has made me slightly apprehensive about an early birth. So many people in the groups have babies in the NICU, were induced, or had some type of complication this early in the game. I really should be more physician-like about this stuff and do a paper review because all of the conflicting information is becoming overwhelming. Sadly, all the documentaries I've watched have been so anti-medicine that I'm leery about my own field despite good sense. Pregnancy should be a time where stress should be decreased for the health of the mom and baby. However, mothers are bombarded with what a friend of mine called "pregnancy terrorism" in which ...